Monday, March 3, 2014

Social Media Etiquette

When it comes to social media networking there are some things you should not do. Here are a few things! I admit, that I am guilty of some of these!

Disclaimer: Some are strictly opinion based. You do your thing!

Areas of concentration: Instagram and Facebook
(I can’t believe I am writing this)

Rule 1: Do not use broad hash tags that have no meaning. (i.e: #girl #fun #likeforlike #boy #boyfriend #no #yes)

Rule 2: Do not like your own photos. Just don’t.

Rule 3: When stalking someone’s Instagram, do not like a photo that is more than a few days old, unless you want them to know you are stalking them.

Rule 4: Do not post 2 selfies in a row! I don’t mind posting a selfie every once in a while but if it happens too often, people get annoyed. (We get it... you look fabulous).

Rule 5: Never use the Kelvin filter, unless you want to look like an oompa-loompa.
Kelvin Filter=Me as an oompa-loompa

Rule 6: Be careful with how many photos you post in one day. People want to know what you’re doing and move on. I often scroll right through repetitive pictures without even looking. I do believe it is okay to post more than one in a day if, for example, you are on vacation, or your friends threw you a birthday party! I wouldn’t exceed three.

Rule 7: If you are a fan of posting a photo with the original proportions using white edges, make sure your edges are white. Otherwise it looks tacky (in my opinion). Thank you Grace for teaching me this one!
See how the edged are not pure white? One of my pet peeves


Rule 1: Do not like a status or photo if it has been up for less than a minute. It’s just weird.

Rule 2: Do not use hash tags on Facebook. This is something that annoys me personally, but a lot of people don’t mind.

Rule 3: Do not add people you don’t know!! If you have to stalk them to figure out who they are before you accept their friend request, then you do not know them well enough to be their friend.

Rule 4: Wish people a happy birthday!! It makes them feel special. If you have their number, call or text them! The thing about saying “happy birthday” on Facebook is that it is severely informal, so be careful with that one.

Rule 5: Be careful about liking/commenting on old posts when stalking someone. It is evidence of you stalking their profile.

Rule 6: Do not post more than one status in a day. It can be annoying. I used to be super guilty of this until I realized what I was doing.  But if, for example, you are on the other side of the world updating people about a vacation, GO FOR IT!

Rule 7: Complaining. Sometimes complaining on social media can make you feel better, but if you make it a habit then it gets annoying.

Rule 8: Be careful about arguing on Facebook. It’s tacky and makes you look bad. Also, everyone can see it.

Rule 9: Be careful about what you post. Do not be too negative, or rude. Some things are meant to stay locked up in your head. Do not post anything you wouldn’t want you grandparents to see! Use your filter when posting thoughts!

Happy Posting!

Have a topic you want me to blog about? Email me at and I will review your ideas! 


  1. HA! Kelvin filter is the worst! I have a post for the weekend about Instagram too. love it girly!

  2. Ok, how do I post on Insta using original proportions?!?! I see it often, but I have no idea how to...???

  3. (Oops - this is Susie Mack :))
