Wednesday, July 13, 2016

CBS 3.3

Week three was tougher in a lot of ways compared to the three previous weeks. Even though the staff did a fantastic job serving our sweet campers, we were a lot more tired this week. We had 21 kids in our class!! Some kiddos in 5th and 6th grade needed a lot of one on one attention and it challenged me, Erik, and Taylor.

At times it was difficult finding the balance of hanging out with the kids who needed a lot of attention and setting personal boundaries so we didn't exhaust ourselves. Some of the children in our class don't want to waste a moment of our attention. I really prayed for a positive attitude this week. I prayed that God would give me the willingness to give positive attention to the kids who needed it most even when it was difficult. One particular girl left us on Saturday with tears in her eyes and it was in that moment I realized how special this place is for her. It's not only a place to learn about God, but a place where she is always loved, cherished, and noticed.

It was also very difficult to say goodbye to the week 3 of campers. It was such a treat to have the Yardley family in camp this week. Liz Yardley was on staff with us week 2 and she joined her family as a camper week 3. I am so blessed by their friendship. When they are here I feel as if it is my own family. The closeness that CBS families experience here on the island is unlike any other place and I believe it is one of many things that make this place so special. I watched the Yardley family line up on the pier with tears in my eyes not knowing the next time I would see them, since they live in North Carolina. However, I am confident in the friendship I have with them and even though every year is different, I trust the Lord will provide us a way to reconnect this coming year.

After the campers left, the staff spent the afternoon swimming, enoing (hammocking) under the pier, falling asleep over the water, going tubing, watching a movie on the beach, night snorkeling, and spending the evening studying the stars up at the cross. I'm thankful for the simplicity of our lives here at camp and I'm thankful for the simple times that put our busy lives on the mainland into perspective. 

Week 4 campers arrived on Sunday and for the 5th and 6th graders, this is a mellow group. Our 10 kids are mature, silly, and eager to learn. We have a lot of younger kids in camp this week so it has surely kept us on our toes!! 

Our staff has been reading a book called New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp. This book has 365 daily devotions and it's been so cool reading the same thing as the rest of the staff everyday. On July 5th, Tripp wrote about our weakness and how "confessing our inability produces hunger for the power that is only ever found in Jesus" (Tripp). Week three I felt so weak. I tried to fix my tiredness on my own without looking to the Lord. Tripp reminded me that "our problem is our delusions of strength that keep us from seeking the grace that strengthens us in our weakness" (Tripp). I was so caught up with thinking I could do it on my own, and I was so wrong. I failed to unwrap the gift of grace that God has given me. If you're reading this: I hope you are challenged by Paul David Tripp's words the way I was. This week you will have at least one moment when you feel weak and you can attempt to use your own strength or or look to the one whose strength is plentiful. 

Prayer requests:
-Healing for a few staff members who have colds
-For the families to feel God's presence this week at camp
-My friend Danika Langley (on the mainland) who had  surgery on her hip this past Monday. 

Sweet Jesus Christ, my clarity

Bread of heaven broken for me

Cup of salvation held up to drink


Shelby Dreves 
PO Box 466
Avalon, CA 90704

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